Title: Race Car Vehicle Dynamics Edition: 1 Author(s): William F Milliken Jr, Douglas L Milliken Date Published: 1994 Number: 1-56091-526-9 Number of Pages: 922 Number of Chapters: 23 Number of Sections: 2 Binding: Hardbound Order: SAE
Truly comprehensive in its coverage of the fundamental concepts of vehicle dynamics and their application in a racing environment, Race Car Vehicle Dynamics has become the definitive reference on this topic. Although the book's primary focus is the race car, the engineering fundamentals it details are also applicable to passenger car design and engineering. Written for the engineer as well as the race car enthusiast, Race Car Vehicle Dynamics includes much information that is not available in any other vehicle dynamics text. Authors Bill and Doug Milliken have developed many of the original vehicle dynamics theories and principles covered in this book, including the Moment Method, "g-g" Diagram, pair analysis, lap time simulation, and tire data normalization. The book also includes contributions from other experts in the field. Chapters cover: The Problem Imposed by Racing; Tire Behavior; Aerodynamic Fundamentals; Vehicle Axis Systems; Simplified Steady-State Stability and Control; Simplified Transient Stability and Control; Steady-State Pair Analysis; Force-Moment Analysis; "g-g" Diagram; Race Car Design; Testing and Development; Chassis Set-Up; Historical Note on Vehicle Dynamics Development; Tire Data Treatment; Applied Aerodynamics; Ride and Roll Rates; Suspension Geometry; Wheel Loads; Steering Systems; Driving and Braking; Suspension Springs; Dampers (Shock Absorbers); andCompliances. The book also includes an extensive listing of references and a list of symbols, conveniently located on the inside front and back covers for ease of use. Well- illustrated with over 450 figures and tables. About the authors - Bill and Doug Milliken have pioneered the transfer of aeronautical stability control technologies to the automobile. As President and Vice President of Milliken Research Associates, Inc., respectively, they have collaborated on research programs for race teams and automobile companies for over 20 years. Bill has been involved in various aspects of racing and race car engineering since the 1940s, and has over forty years of experience in automotive and aeronautical vehicle dynamics.